Coaching is about you, not me.

But I know who you choose to work with as your coach will make all the difference.

So, here's a little about me.

I’ve faced the same kinds of challenges and opportunities you probably face, grappled with the same types of choices and decisions you’re probably grappling with. 

For instance, I’ve:

  • changed jobs, sectors, careers
  • lived and worked in different countries and cultures
  • recruited people, managed and developed people, had to fire people, had to make people redundant
  • worked in fast moving environments with financial pressures and shifting, conflicting, priorities
  • worked in 'sharp end' customer facing roles and Head Office ones too
  • juggled the different needs of customers, colleagues, bosses, and employers

... in roles where: 

  • my learning curve was huge, and where I was frequently uncomfortably beyond my stretch zone
  • I had great colleagues and bosses - and difficult ones
  • I felt inspired and enthused by my work… and daunted and discouraged by it
  • I lost my work life balance - and found it again.

I learnt so much.

Such as...

  • how to navigate difficult and complex relationships, where values and priorities clash
  • how to harness impatience and frustration, and say ‘no’
  • how to manage anxiety, self-doubt and imposter syndrome - and grow confidence and resilience
  • how to be operational and strategic, and able to flex between the two
  • that there isn't just one version of success and happiness; the key is finding the one that’s right for you

But... most of my learning was by trial and error. Which meant it was often slow and hard. And sometimes, a little too late!

I know it could have been so much easier for me if I'd had a coach.

That’s why in 2002 I became a coach. Because I knew there was a better way than learning by trial and error. That it didn’t need to be so hard. And I wanted - want - to make it easier for the next person. For you.

Since 2002, I’ve amassed a breadth and depth of experience as a coach, gained accreditation as a Master Executive Coach with the Association for Coaching (AC), and coached hundreds of people - people just like you:

  • professionals, consultants, business owners, early careerists, late bloomers, career changers, career breakers, career returners, upshifters, downshifters, retirees…
  • across different countries, cultures, industries and roles
  • at different levels of seniority, from fresh graduates and emerging leaders to established leaders and people in, or stepping up to, C-suite roles
  • in the public, private, and voluntary sectors; in corporates, SMEs and start-ups
  • in career, business and life coaching.

I'm ready to coach you too, to help you overcome challenges, identify and grasp opportunities, and make the important choices and decisions that will make the critical differences in your life and work. 

You'll find me warm, intuitive and very practical. I'll ask you thoughtful questions that will help you find your own answers.

I'll generously share my resources with you. Strategies, information, contacts - wherever I can help you, I will. 

Clients tell me they choose me because they trust me and enjoy working with me; they value my first-hand, practical experience; and they appreciate the fact I'm always ready to adapt my approach to meet their needs.

They like that my style is collaborative: that I don’t work ‘on’ them but alongside them.

That my work is thoughtfully and personally tailored to fit them, rather than a 'one size fits all' approach.

Because we're all different, and what's important to me is what works specifically for you

Would you like someone like that at your side? If so, why not give me a call or drop me a line to arrange a free, informal chat? Let’s talk.
